From Sit to Stay Dog Training Basics Every New Pet Parent Should Know

From Sit to Stay: Dog Training Basics Every New Pet Parent Should Know

If you’re a new dog parent, you may be excited but also slightly overwhelmed. There is a lot that goes into raising a pet and it’s important for your safety and that of your family, friends, and the public that your dog gets appropriate training.

If you don’t know where to start with your dog training, here are a few things to think about when it comes to your dog’s training and overall well-being:

Talk to your vet about recs

If you’re looking for the best training recommendations, a good place to start is with your vet. They know your pet and they know what the best option for your animal could be to live a safe and happy life.

People are quick to jump on any training tip they find on the internet but your vet can help you understand which advice to follow for your pooch and which one you should avoid. If you don’t yet have a vet that you trust, search online for local vets with good reviews.

Be patient with potty training

When it comes to potty training a pup, it can be a time-consuming and stressful experience. However, it’s important that you take the time to teach them the ways of going outside. Be prepared to stock up on plenty of puppy pee pads and odor-reducing spray so that your home can be as clean as possible.

If you have to leave for work every day, consider hiring a dog walker to help you get your puppy trained. It’s hugely important for your future with your pet.

Nip behavioral issues in the bud

Cute little baby bites aren’t scary when your dog is a small puppy. However, when they get bigger, those bites aren’t so cute when your pet gets a lot bigger so take time to nip behavioral issues in the bud before your pet gets too big.

If you need help learning how to manage bad pet behavior, consider watching online videos about pet training, or better yet, hire a local trainer to help you stop those behaviors in their tracks.

Recall is key

Have you ever been out and seen a pet off leash but they’re behaving like a stellar representation of what every pet should be? They sit and wait and follow their owner when called. Training your pet to answer your recall is key to a successful future where you and your animal can go on adventures without concern about what could happen along the way.

When you know your pet will come when called, then you don’t have to worry about them causing a scene at the dog park or running off while on a hike. They will obey you as needed, and you can happily let them off leash wherever it’s allowed. However, be careful with reactive dogs along the way who may not be as well-behaved as your pooch.

Socialize your pup

A highly important part of puppy management and raising a happy animal is socialization. While you’ll need to wait for them to get all of their shots before letting them roam with other pets, once they’ve got them, make sure to allow them the ability to play with plenty of other animals along the way.

If you’re in a household that likes to have multiple types of pets, like cats and dogs, socializing them early will help you avoid difficult situations in the future. There are daycares, dog parks, and meetups that can all be beneficial for dog socialization.

In Conclusion

From behavioral training to potty training, you’ll want to set you and your pet up for success with these tips above. It can be important for both their safety and health and for a relaxed experience raising your pup.