
Gaming Setups: Does Having a Proper Setup Matter?

Because video gaming has become such a hugely popular hobby, there are endless opinions on how to game ‘right’. These opinions diverge based on what type of gamer a person is—do they prefer to play on a PC, a console, a handheld, or VR? Depending on the answer, their gaming setup probably looks a certain way. 

For PC gamers, the focus comes down to having a desk, a monitor, a PC, a keyboard, and a mouse. Other basic pieces of equipment include headphones, a gaming chair, wrist support, and software like a VPN, Steam, and Discord. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? All a gamer has to do is acquire the right pieces of hardware and software.

In reality, there’s quite a bit of variation in terms of how PC gamers can arrange their gaming setup and get the most out of their equipment. And every PC gamer knows that the performance of their hardware is one of the most important factors that influences their success. When viewed in this way, having a proper gaming setup matters—both in terms of performance, playability, and enjoyability.

Let’s break down why having a proper setup for PC gamers matters in both the short-term and the long-term.

Comfort Boosts the Brain’s Performance

The most straightforward reason that PC gamers should care about their setup is that professional and casual gamers know that comfort matters—and it correlates to performance. For example, having an ergonomic gaming chair allows a player to sit comfortably, preventing neck and back strain.

This is incredibly important because PC gamers tend to play for long stints of time. Let’s take a look at the example of online poker. Though not as popular as League of Legends or Call of Duty, it’s one of the world’s most played card games and is commonly played online. Even popular variations like Omaha see thousands of players show up for tournaments in the hopes of qualifying for live events.

But players will need to compete in tournaments (which usually last more than three hours) to advance. The mind is easily distracted by aches and pains, which can impact performance negatively—especially in games as complex as poker. The idea here is that taking care of creature comforts lets the brain concentrate for longer stints.

Comfort Boosts the Brain’s Performance

Better Setup = Better Reaction Times

But that’s not all. Choosing to invest in an ergonomic chair (along with other factors like buying wrist guards and keeping your screen at eye level) allows your brain to stay focused. Though we touched on this above, it’s still worth pointing out that, along with focus, a better setup equates to better reaction times. 

This is particularly important for FPS games like Counter-Strike and Call of Duty. Reaction times must be quick—but players can’t sacrifice accuracy, either. When the body is relaxed, players can use their brain to its fullest capacity to truly get into the zone.

Multiple Monitors & Why They Matter

As we’ve outlined, having the proper equipment is very important for the performance and success of PC gamers. But let’s dive into the hardware a bit more. We want to focus on a second monitor and why that matters for many gamers.

Many PC gamers rely on platforms like Discord to help them chat with others, usually team members. This is particularly important for anyone who is streaming, as that second screen is how they’ll chat with followers. Regardless of whether you’re communicating with teammates or subs, you should have one gaming screen only. This will help you avoid losing track of the game.

A Note on Hardware: How to not Spend Thousands

Finally, let’s touch on one of the most difficult elements of being a PC gamer—the price of hardware. PC gamers are known for seeking out customizable CPUs and GPUs, which they enhance in order to prevent lag and other issues. But these types of personalized setups usually cost thousands. 

Our advice is to invest what you can in your setup—but always focus on how much energy your devices are using. One of PC gaming’s hidden costs is the price of electricity, but these can be addressed by looking into energy-saving game modes and how to turn off equipment properly.