
Sal Khan Net Worth – Biography, Life, Career and More

Sal Khan Net Worth 2021

$260 million

Sal Khan is a world-renowned humanitarian, TV presenter and educator who has helped many children in their education by setting up the Khan academy, an online free educational platform where teachers of different backgrounds teach students on various subjects.

The subjects he teaches include English, Mathematics and Sciences. His academy is known world over which might make you wonder what is net worth might be. However, Sal Khan net worth has always remained a well-kept secret.

But, if you are curious about it, allow us to clear that mystery up for you. Sal Khan net worth 2021 is $260 million which he amassed mainly due to his YouTube channel also by the name of Khan academy, his online courses and other projects.

Sal Khan earned fame across the globe for his amazing humanitarian efforts in addition to also forming a school called the brick-and-mortar Khan Lab School.

He has given many TED talks on how he would revolutionize education and his YouTube channel continues to produce more videos to add value to student’s lives.

Sal Khan Net Worth Growth in Last 5 Years

As mentioned above Sal Khan made the bulk of his earnings through his YouTube channel and website both by the name of Khan academy that has released more that 6500 online courses as of today.

Join us as we observe the changes in Sal Khan net worth in the last 5 years.

Net Worth 2021$260 Million
Net Worth 2020$260 Million
Net Worth 2019$1.5 Million
Net Worth 2018$1.5 Million
Net Worth 2017$1.5 Million

Sal Khan Net Worth and Biography

The humanitarian Sal Khan is a humble Muslim man who came from a modest background, and he is very generous. He is an American national who aims to do good throughout his life.

In the table below we dive deeper into who exactly Sal Khan was and learn about his roots in addition to exploring the already impressive Sal Khan net worth.  

Net Worth$260 Million
Full NаmеSalman Amin Khan
HeightNot Available
WeightNot Available
Date of Birth11 October 1976
Zodiac SignVirgo
OccupationTeacher, Humanitarian, Celebrity
CollegeMIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual
Marital StatusMarried
Spouse(s)Umaima Marvi
Children2 children (Imran and Diya)
Last UpdatedAugust 2021

Sal Khan Early Life

The wonderful human being Sal Khan was born on 11th October 1976 to Jamal Khan and Mahooda. The father of Sal Khan was from Bangladesh and was a famous pediatrician.

Sal Khan was a curious child from the beginning with varying interests which included arts, theoretical physics and music. Some of these talents he was able to pursue when he was enrolled in Grace King Highschool.

Next was MIT itself where he completed his bachelor’s in science in Mathematics, electrical engineering and computer science. Hungry for the chance to learn as much as he could he returned to MIT to complete his master’s in Electrical Engineering.

The astonishing and most spectacular achievement of his educational life was that he put himself through his studies even in the toughest of times when one might just give up but he kept going.

Apart from this, he had many interests such as playing the guitar, arts and craft and singing. At one point in his childhood he also aimed to become a cartoonist or an architect.   

Sal Khan Career Achievements

Alongside Sal Khan net worth, Sal Khan also achieved and earned many accomplishments and awards for his services to the community. First and foremost, his YouTube channel of Khan academy has a whopping 3.5 million subscribers which itself is a victory in an era where getting subscribers is a tough job.

Furthermore, the channel has released a total of 11,500 videos on various subjects to educate children for free.

Sal Khan also set up a non-profit educational organization, funded by none other than Bill and Melinda Gates, which as of today has a total of 50 employees and is recognized worldwide by people of all ethnicities.

The Khan academy website is gaining viewers day by day as well. In 2012, he was recognized by TIME magazine as one the 100 most influential people in the world. Moreover, his success didn’t stop there as he also featured in Forbes in that same year.

His goal was to change the way education was delivered and to make education more accessible to even the poorest of families.     

Sal Khan Personal Life | Family, Affairs, Hobbies

When you think of Sal Khan net worth you would think that he would be living a very lavish lifestyle enjoying all the perks from the beginning.

But you are far from the truth. Sal Khan had an extremely humble beginning and he never forgot about it even after becoming wealthy and influential.

Sal Khan is married to his college sweetheart (whom he met while studying in Harvard) Umaima Marvi with whom he has two children, a son and a daughter named Imran who is 4 years old, and Diya who is 2 years old.

Sal lives with his wife and children in Mountain View, California.

Sal’s beliefs can be summed up in this quote by him “if you believe in trying to make the best of the finite number of years we have on this planet (while not making it any worse for anyone else), think that pride and self-righteousness are the cause of most conflict and negativity, and are humbled by the vastness and mystery of the Universe, then I’m the same religion as you.’’

Additionally, he is a devoted Muslim and a teacher who loves all his students and puts his best in teaching.  

Sal Khan Famous Quotes

With being one of the 100 most influential people in the world comes a lot of responsibility which can sometimes be overwhelming.

However, that wasn’t the case for Sal as all he did was stick to his beliefs no matter what and carried on his purpose of making the world view education with a different point of view. Here are some of his most influential quotes.

  1. Personal responsibility is not only undervalued but actually discouraged by the standard classroom model, with its enforced passivity and rigid boundaries of curriculum and time. –Sal Khan
  1. I teach the way that I wish I was taught. The lectures are coming from me, an actual human being who is fascinated by the world around him. –Sal Khan
  1. Can you imagine if someone told Einstein, Okay, wrap up this relativity thing, we’re moving on to European history? Or said to Michelangelo, Time’s up for the ceiling, now go paint the walls. Yet versions of this snuffing out of creativity and boundary-stretching thought happen all the time in conventional schools. –Sal Khan
  1. In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity. –Sal Khan
  1. Why has it been accepted as gospel for so long that homework is necessary? The answer, I think, lies not in the perceive virtues of homework but rather in the clear deficiencies of what happens in the classroom. Homework becomes necessary because not enough learning happens during the school day… The broadcast, one-pace-fits-all lecture… turns out to be a highly inefficient way to teach and learn. –Sal Khan

Sal Khan Social Networks

The simplicity of Sal Khan is evident from his social media handles as most of them are the same as his non-profit Khan academy. He wishes for his organization to get notoriety rather than himself.

Still, after arduous research we’ve found some of his own social media handles and will be listing them down in the table below this paragraph so that you can keep track of his activity and what he is doing off that white board.


Sal Khan Controversies

Throughout his life Sal Khan himself hasn’t been involved in any controversies or criticism as he was a very ‘mind your own business’ type of person unless it was about education.

His fierce views on education sometimes upset some people not to mention some of his teaching methods. Hence most of the controversies revolve around Khan academy rather than the man himself.

For instance, Sal Khan had a spat with Karim Kai Ani the mathematician about the way Khan academy was teaching graphs.

To summarize, Ani had a problem with using the rise over run formula for calculating slope as it didn’t clarify the “concept” of a slope to the students and was too simplistic.

Whereas Khan academy preferred this approach and thought that they were adequately explaining the ‘’concept’’ as well.  

As you can imagine Sal Khan net worth doesn’t come without its fair share of critiques. On another instance, Khan was critiqued by fellow math educators on the treatment of decimals and equal signs.

Furthermore, Khan academy has been the target of many online posts about how they’ve been emphasizing procedure over concept.   

Fun Facts about Sal Khan

  1. Sal Khan met his college sweetheart in MIT who later became his wife, but finally decided to marry her when they crossed paths again in Harvard.
  1. Sal Khan wanted to become an architect or a cartoonist in his childhood.
  1. Before becoming a teacher, Sal Khan was a Hedge fund financial analyst.
  1. As you already know Sal Khan went back to MIT to compete masters in Electrical engineering. What you didn’t know was that he also mastered in business administration from Harvard.
  1. Sal Khan received the Heinz award in the area of human condition.

Inspiring Lessons from Sal Khan

What’s unique about how Sal Khan net worth came to be is that he might be the only teacher who has amassed such a fortune for himself out of all the other famous personalities whose source of income is either business or acting.

That undoubtedly is an inspiring lesson for all those who think educating others won’t get them anywhere. It also should teach you the power of knowledge and good intentions. However, that’s not the only lesson here.

Obviously, we know that Sal Khan loved teaching, but he was also a tech savvy enough to know that to earn money from teaching the best option was to start a YouTube channel. This inspires us that alongside knowledge skills are also important to learn!

He never gave up on teaching despite the fact that many times he felt it wasn’t working and even in times when YouTube wasn’t much watched, he still stayed consistent. But the lesson we loved the most from his life was that if you believe in something you have to strive for it with all your might.

With the education Sal Khan had he could have easily made an even greater fortune for himself, but his passion was teaching, and he had the will power to follow his passion. Thus we learn that they key to success if following your passion and dreams and Sal Khan is an inspiration for all those who dream big.

Final Thoughts on Sal Khan Net Worth

To finish up this article we would like to stress to you the importance of education in one’s life just like Sal Khan has done his whole life. You might not be able to achieve anything close to the Sal Khan net worth but still it is an invaluable skill.

Sal Khan to this day advocates for education and knowledge to be learnt for mastery and for the sake of learning not for passing tests only.

Moreover, he advocates that students should be taught the concepts of what they are studying first before moving on the practical application.

He wants students to not be just mindless robots who memorize anything put in front of them but gain the ability to think for themselves and make calculated deductions.

Even though Sal Khan has great bank balance he lives a simple life with his wife and 2 kids, well as simple as it gets for a millionaire.

Just a reminder that Sal Khan net worth 2021 is $260 million and the success of Khan academy is only increasing so the sky’s the limit for Sal khan!

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